Sponsored Rider Isla Bolton

Rider Spotlight: Isla Bolton

Banana Feeds Australia introduces Isla Bolton, a fantastic Aussie Show Jumper, who’s been one of B-Complete’s biggest fans since we launched the brand!

Tell us a little about what you do?

I am a 15 year old show jumper from Western Australia competing currently at 115cm on my off the track horse, Benny!

How did you originally get involved in your sport?

I have been involved in the equine community since my mum took me to her cousins place to ride a miniature pony when I was 4 years old. I didn’t have much interest in horses until I got jealous of my brother riding the mini. About a year later my parents bought our first pony Hazel, a wild brumby! It was love at first sight and she was the most crazy and best pony a little girl could have! From then on I got the competition bug at pony club and I have never looked back!

Sponsored Rider Isla Bolton

What’s important to you when deciding what to feed your animal?

I’m really interested in what goes into our horses feed as we want them not only to look their best on the outside but feel and perform to their best ability. That’s why we always research and trial products before we commit to any new feed with our horses.

How does B-Complete help you in your sport? 

B-Complete had such an immediate effect on Benny, making him a more relaxed and calmer ride for me.

What are the main benefits or changes in your horse when they are on B-Complete?

The main benefits that I have found in our competition horses are that their temperament is so much more relaxed, their coat has darkened and their manure doesn’t get runny.

How do you incorporate B-Complete into your horses diet?

Sponsored Rider Isla Bolton

Benny gets his B-Complete mixed with his super fibre mash mix, Lucerne Chaff and soaked lupins.

What would you say to anyone considering adding B-Complete to their horses feeding regime?

I recommend B-Complete to any competition horse that gets nervous out competing, experiences loose manure or where owners just want extra gut health protection. It is a true game changer!

Find Isla on Instagram at @isla_bolton_showjumping


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